Time:   Pan Huining

India's steel production to surge nearly 6% in FY2024/2025

【Ferro-alloys.com】:India is set to witness a notable rise in steel production, projected to grow by almost 6% year-on-year, reaching 152 million tons by the end of FY2024/2025,which concludes in March 2025.

India is set to witness a notable rise in steel production, projected to grow by almost 6% year-on-year, reaching 152 million tons by the end of FY2024/2025,which concludes in March 2025.This increase will primarily be fueled by the operations of steel mills utilizing blast furnaces, whose expansion plans were established before the global emphasis on decarbonization intensified.

The anticipated 6% rise in steel output translates to a 9% uptick in pig iron production, predicted to reach 95 million tons in FY2024/2025, up from 87 million tons in the previous year.


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