Time:   immria

Nickel price trend on December 26th

[ferro-alloys.com]Recently, the supply of Jinchuan nickel was insufficient. So, the price of future nickel rose up a little. The premium increased, and the trading volume was less. Compared with Shanghai future nickel 2002 contract, the discount of Russian nickel was from 0 to 100 RMB/T, and the premium of Jinchuan nickel was 2600-3000 RMB/T.Today, Jinchuan quoted its electrolytic nickel at 114500 RMB/T. It was 500 higher than the price yesterday. 

London Metal Exchange suspended trading,and the stainless steel market was affected. People were not positive in the market. So, the ferronickel market was stable at present.Today,the mainstream of high grade ferronickel was 1000-1020 RMB/Nickel point, and the price of low grade ferronickel was 3300-3450 RMB/T.  


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