Time:   immria

Ferronickel market weekly comment(Dec 30th- Jan 3rd) The price of high grade ferronickel price went down in this week

[ferro-alloys.com]The stainless steel was still in downturn. The demand for ferronickel decreased.So, the mainstream price of ferronickel went down in this week. The Ni 8%-10% ferronickel was quoted at 970-1000 RMB/Nickel.The Ni1.6-1.8% ferronickel mainstream price was 3300-3450 RMB/T. The following sheet reflect the current ferronickel price during the last few days.



Current Price

Scope of quoted Price

Ni 1.5%-1.7%

North Region

3375 RMB/tons

3300-3450 RMB/tons

Ni 8%-12%

Inner Mongolia

985 RMB/nickel point

970-1000 RMB/nickel point


Working hours:legal working day,9:00~18:00

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