Time:   马亮辉

The 7th Asia Pacific Steel & Ferro-Alloys International Conference


The 7th Asia Pacific Steel & Ferro-Alloys International Conference

     We are delighted to announce the details of the Ferro-Alloys.com famous chain series events of  “The 7th Asia Pacific Steel & Ferro-Alloys International Conference”, which is to be held in beautiful Macau, China on 05-07March 2019.

The year 2019 is already considering as a threat to the global steel industry. There is no offence that China is the world’s biggest producer and consumer of steel, and is also a large investor in o foreign-direct investment in many countries. Such as China is a good overall metric to watch for the overall steel market worldwide, in spite of the U.S. not engaging in much direct steel trade with China.

      It was projected that the global steel demand would reach 1657.9 MT in the year 2018, 3.9% increased y.o.y 2017. It is forecasted that the global steel demand will grow 1.4% and would reach 1681.2 MT in 2019.

But the risks, rising trade tensions and volatile currency inflations are increasing uncertainty. Normalization of monetary policies in the US and EU could also influence the currencies of emerging economies.

      In forecasting sales and production for next year, steel industry executives should understand the forecast of production for key industries related to steel, such as construction, auto and durable goods (machinery, in particular), to best determine the growth of demand.

     The theme of this conference features “Belt and Road Initiative” invite global insiders to Macau to search for Cooperation either in China or alongside “Belt & Road” regions.

      This conference is ideal for the international Ferroalloy insiders, Steel Plants to venture in o China and explore new opportunities or cooperation, to build a platform for the trade of Mineral Ores, Ferroalloys & Steel and to take advantage of China favor policy.

Being the responsible organizer, we understand the demand of the delegates, this conference includes keynote presentations, counterpart business, project matching, information exchange and projects cooperation may be arranged.

     Ferro-Alloys.com sincerely invites all respectful professionals from Ferroalloys, Steel Mills, Coke, Ore producers and customers, equipment suppliers and others from the world to attend the conference on March 6-8, 2019 at Macau, China.

Conference Schedule

March 4,2019


March 5,2019

Whole day Register and Business Networking,1-1 Meeting

And Cocktail Party

March 6,2019

Conference Speeches and Networking


Organizer Welcome Speech


The Opportunity to Invest and Trade with Macau and Hong Kong Local

Market related to Belt & Road Policy   Initiative

--Officer from Government (to be   confirmed) 


2019 Chinese Ferroalloys Industry Development   Outlook

--Mr.Karl liu,Secretary   General ,Intl Ferroalloys Industry Association


2019 SSteel Outlook and How It Will Effect Raw Material   of Mn,Ni and Chrome.    

- Mr.Linjun ,Senior   Analyst 


Tea Break and Q&A


Chrome Ore and   Ferro Chrome Market Outlook in 2019  

- Mr.Cao   Wenquan,Senior Analyst from Yildrium Group (Beijing Office


2019 Maganese Market Outlook and Chinese Factor to Drive

-Mr.   Wang Quanyi, General Manager,Tianjin Jinsheng Matallurgical Co.,Ltd


How To Make Initiative Trade and Investment In Overseas  

- Mr. Summer Hill, CEO,   Millionlink Investment Co Ltd


Q&A , Lunch


World Carbon Steel Outlook

-Ms.Shruti Salwan ,Metals   Analyst ,Fastmarkets 


SiMn and Mn Ores Market Predict

-- Ms.Yu Yunqing Analyst   Team of Ferro-alloys.com


Cr and FeSi Market Predict

-By Mr. David Tian   ,Analyst Team of Ferro-Alloys.com


Tea Break



-Steel Mill and Supplier Sign Agreement Celebration  

 To be advised



March 7,2019

 Arrange toVisit Some Places ( To Be Confirmed)


Working hours:legal working day,9:00~18:00

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