Time:   Pan Huining

The 19th China Ferro-Alloys International Conference

The 19th China Ferro-alloys International Conference, co-hosted by China Chamber of Commerce of Metals Minerals & Chemicals Importers & Exporters (CCCMC) & Ferro-Alloys.com, Supported by China Ferroalloys Industrial Association and IMRA will be held on 31 May to 2 June 2023 in Beijing, China.

What is the latest Market Performance

-Since the end of April, the prices of raw materials including coal and coke, ores and ferroalloys,whcih have been declined due to the weak demands from the steel industry.

-From the Beginning of this week, the steel price is raising up due to termination or reduced the production output by some major steel mills.  

-The raised price of steel production, whether it can push up the price of raw materials or not, of that it is the key point for all insiders to pay high attention.

- It is the good opportunity for global ferroalloys and ores insiders though the 19th China Ferro-alloys International Conference in May, over 15 keynotes experts will bring and share the new market opinions.

     -It is very important to visit China again to meet the suppliers and customers to share the information and business collaboration. This conference is just on the right time for you to be there.

图片关键词INFCON 2023 Schedule Final.pdf


Working hours:legal working day,9:00~18:00

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